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O. Henry Austin Chronology


Austin Chronology

1862 Born at "Worth Place", a plantation in Guilford County near Greensboro, North Carolina.

1865 Mrs. Algernon Sidney Porter nee Mary Virginia Swaim, O. Henry's mother, died from consumption.

Moved with his father, Dr. Algernon Sidney Porter, and his brother, Shirley Worth, to the Greensboro home of his grandmother, Mrs. Sidney Porter nee Ruth Worth.

1867 Enrolled in the private elementary school of his aunt, Evelina Porter, who established the first school in Greensboro. She was affectionately known as "Miss Lina".

1876 Graduated from Miss Lina's school with highest honors. Enrolled in Linsey Street High School, Greensboro.

1879 Began work as a bookkeeper at his Uncle Clark's store, W. C. Porter and Company Drug Store.handwritten letter

1881 Licensed as a pharmacist in North Carolina at age 19.

1882 Moved to La Salle County, Texas and worked on the ranch of Lee and Richard Hall as a sheep herder and ranch hand.

1884 Moved to Austin at age 22. Accepted as a pharmacist at the Morley Brothers Drug Store on East 6th Street.

1885 Escorted Athol Estes to a "german". Athol was a high school student.

1886 Organized the "Hill City Quartet". Other members were R. H. Edmonson, H. H. Long, and C. E. Hillyer. Employed by Maddox Brothers and Anderson, a real estate firm in Austin.

1887 Obtained the position as draftsman at the Texas Land Office. Married Athol Estes, stepdaughter of Mr. P. G. Roach, an Austin merchant and member of the Board of Trade.

1889 Birth of his daughter, Margaret Worth Porter.

1890 Grandmother, Ruth Worth Porter, died. Visited Greensboro to introduce his new wife and baby to his family.

1891 Left the Texas Land Office and joined the First National Bank of Austin.

1894 Began publication of The Rolling Stone. Resigned as teller at the First National Bank after being accused of embezzling funds.

1895 Terminated publication of The Rolling Stone. Moved to Houston and created the "Some Postscripts" column in the Houston Post.

1896 Arrested on charges of embezzlement. Bond arranged and trial set for July 7 in the United States District Court, Austin. July 6: Absconded to New Orleans and then to Honduras.

1897 Returned to Austin on learning that his wife was mortally ill. Surrendered to the Court. No action taken while his appeal was pending in the United States Court of Civil Appeals in New Orleans. July 25: Death of Athol Estes Porter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Roach (stepfather and mother) at 307 East 4th Street. Buried in the Oakwood Cemetery.

1898 Occupied his time while waiting for news of his appeal by writing articles on the mezzanine of the Roach-Hofer Grocery Store at 211 East 6th Street. Found guilty of embezzlement. April 25: Imprisoned at the Ohio State Penitentiary. September: "The Miracle of Lava Canyon", written as O. Henry, published by the S. S. McClure Company.

1907 Married Sarah Lindsey Coleman in Ashville, North Carolina. Sarah was his childhood sweetheart.

1910 Died. Funeral services held at the Little Church Around the Corner in New York City. Buried in Ashville, North Carolina.

1927 Daughter Margaret Porter died and buried next to O. Henry, her father.