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The O. Henry Pun-Off



O. Henry Pun-Off

link to page with larger photo of punsters at Woolridge Park

Every spring since 1978 punsters from across the nation have gathered here in Austin to compete in the annual O. Henry Pun-Off, sponsored by the O. Henry Museum. Crowds gather to cheer and groan as the contestants deliver their often outrageous plays on words.

Attendees at the first Pun-Off in 1978 were welcomed with, "Lend an ear and we'll give you more corn." Twenty five years later the crowd still gathers in Austin to enjoy the "corn" and listen to the punsters vie for the title of Punniest of Show. The 2002 Punniest of Show title went to Tiff Wimberly, who introduced herself as meteorologist Dorothy Gale, announcing "the forecast for Oztin calls for mostly punny with a chance of Blunder."

You can see the Pun-Off flyers, as well as other items related to the Pun-Off, at the History Center.