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#MadeAtAPL: Handmade, but With Your Smartphone

Snapshot of things you can make in a month at the Austin Public Library, according to our event calendar: zines, felt-stuffed owls, ukulele music, hand-sewn woodland creatures, seed libraries, animal Perler-bead creations, and comics.

The library is a lab of creativity, of the handmade, do-it-yourself crowd teeming with ideas to craft into material objects.

In the coming months, the library plans to widen your creative canvas. We will open spaces with tools you can use to craft your ideas into digital objects, namely podcasts, videos, 3D renderings, music, and more. Think: handmade, but with your smartphone or professional camera. Handmade, but with Adobe Premiere software to edit your vlogs or Audacity software to record your voiceovers.

Together these spaces will function as a digital makerspace we call APL Innovate. The makerspace will provide community access to state-of-the-art computer hardware and software to create digital content. From Apple to Windows, Adobe to Audacity, APL Innovate will give you the tech tools to polish your digital content and upskill your digital craft.

The makerspace will be based at the Central Library and, eventually, will reach your neighborhood branch library through free workshops that are open to the public.

Stay tuned! In the meantime…