All Digital Resources
The Austin Public Library subscribes to a variety of online resources for your information, education and entertainment.
American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collection
American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collection
Digital access to American periodicals published between 1684 and 1912.
The American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collection provides digital access to the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1684 and 1912. Thousands of periodicals document the life of America's people from the Colonial Era through the Civil War and Reconstruction.
Click Select All, then Continue, to search the archives.
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Check this help page for tips.
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American Physical Society Journals
American Physical Society Journals
Library access only
Over 400,000 scientific research papers from 1983 to the present.
Library access only
American Physical Society Journals, also known as Physical Review Journals, provide over 400,000 scientific research papers from 1983 to the present.
Physical Review Journals are available in any Austin Public Library location. Browse a list of available journals.
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Ancestry Library Edition
Ancestry Library Edition
Library access only
Comprehensive information for genealogical research.
Library access only
Ancestry Library Edition is a comprehensive online source of information for genealogical research, with billions of names in over 6,000 databases.
You can use Ancestry Library Edition on any public Library computer or on a personal device that's connected to the Library's WiFi network.
Remote access was discontinued on December 29, 2021.
Census records; birth, marriage and death records; immigration records; vital and church records; military records; and court, land and probate records are included. Popular databases include the U.S. Federal Census from 1790 to 1930, Social Security Death Index, Civil War records, U.S. Public Records Index, American Genealogical-Biographical Index and Federal Slave Narratives.
Help / Ayuda
Check out the Ancestry Library Edition tutorial from Niche Academy.
See About Ancestry Library Edition for video tutorials and user guides.
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Arts and Humanities Research Guide
The Arts and Humanities Research Guide provides curated resources by expert librarians on the following topics:
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Directory, marketing and job search database includes 30 million business profiles and 220 million residents.
AtoZdatabases is a directory and marketing database that includes 30 million businesses and 220 million residents. It is ideal for sales leads, mailing lists, market research, job searches and finding friends and relatives. You can email, print or download results. 1,000 downloads are allowed per search.
New listings are added to the New Movers & Homeowners and New Business databases each week. New listings are added to the Healthcare database quarterly. The other databases get new listings monthly. Existing listings are verified annually.
• Use the Quick Lookup features to search by Business Name, Headquarters Location, First and Last Name, City, State or Phone Number. If you don't find the business you are looking for in the Quick Lookup, search the 30 Million Businesses database with the All Businesses option selected.
• Use Universal Search to cross-search Business & Consumer databases to find phone numbers, people or businesses.
• Email records to one or more email address. You can also print and download records to Excel or PDF formats.
• Use QR Code to instantly download business contact information into your device.
• Customize your detailed listings to suit your needs by simply clicking and dragging the section.
• Use the Map Based Search for targeted geographic listings.
The business database is compiled from Secretary of State Filings, national directory assistance data, annual reports, SEC filings, corporate registers, public records, thousands of yellow and white page directories and specialty business directories. The residential database is compiled from data sources including thousands of white pages, national directory assistance data, real estate deed and tax information, voter registration data, mail order data, warranty cards and many other sources. You can search a database of 7.9 million healthcare professionals, and search by specialty, state of license and more.
Help / Ayuda
- The business database video will demonstrate how to find useful information on possible business competitors, vendors, suppliers or customers (for business-to-business commerce). This video will show you how to search for businesses in your industry and geography and export that data for use in your business plan.
- The consumer database video will demonstrate how to find useful information on possible consumers and potential customers for your business. This video will show you how to search for consumers in a specific geography and segment them by demographic characteristic such as: income, home value, age, etc.
- See AtoZdatabases' Intro Videos for more search tips.
- Register for one-hour webinars at AtoZU on topics such as Basic Searches, Grow Your Business and Job Searching.
- Check out the AtoZdatabases quick course from Niche Academy.
- For additional resources, the City of Austin Small Business Division provides business training, educational events, and coaching to empower entrepreneurs.
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AtoZdatabases en Español
AtoZdatabases en Español
Esta base de datos incluye 30 millones de perfiles empresariales y 220 millones perfiles de habitantes.
AtoZdatabases es una base de datos de referencia y mercadeo que incluye 30 millones de perfiles empresariales y 220 millones perfiles de habitantes. Es idea para promotores de ventas, listas de correo, estudios de mercado, oportunidades de empleo así como para encontrar amigos y familiares.
La información en esta base de datos se actualiza cada dos semanas. Usted puede enviar los resultados de su búsqueda por correo electrónico, imprimirlos o guardarlos en un archivo. El máximo de datos que pueden manipularse es de 250 por búsqueda.
Help / Ayuda
Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Austin American Statesman
The Austin American-Statesman Image (full page, color) is available from November 14, 2018 - present in NewsBank.
The Austin American-Statesman is available from 1989 - present in NewsBank.
Austin American-Statesman (Historical) has searchable PDF articles.
The full run of the Austin American-Statesman (1871-present) is available on microfilm at the Austin History Center.
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Austin American Statesman (Historical)
The Austin American Statesman (Historical) includes searchable articles from Austin, Texas, newspapers for the years 1871-1980. Articles display in PDF format.
To search obituaries: choose Advanced Search, go to Document Type and check the Obituary box.
Help / Ayuda
Find search tips and more on ProQuest Historical Newspapers LibGuide.
Find a timeline of the various titles of the Austin American-Statesman in this Resource Guide.
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Austin American Statesman Image
The Austin American-Statesman Image is the full-page, full-color newspaper online. It includes photos, advertisements, & articles, and can be browsed or searched.
The Austin American-Statesman Image is available back to November 14, 2018, in NewsBank.
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Austin Business Journal
Austin Business Journal
Breaking business news and the Book of Lists.
If you have access issues, contact Ask a Librarian.
The Austin Business Journal Online has the latest business news updated throughout the day, some of this week's top stories and other popular features from the print editions.
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Austin Business Journal - Book of Lists
Austin Business Journal - Book of Lists
The annual Book of Lists for the Austin business community.
If you have access issues, contact Ask a Librarian.
Austin's annual Book of Lists is available through the online Austin Business Journal.
To access the Book of Lists online:
- Login to the Austin Business Journal
- Click Book of Lists link
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Austin Community Research Guide
The Austin Community Research Guide provides research tools for the following topics:
- APL Digital Makerspace
- Austin and Texas History
- Austin Newcomer
- Civic Engagement
- Rebate Austin
- Recycling
- Seeds & Sustainability
- Senior Living in Austin
- Social Services
- Zines
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Austin History Center Digital Collections
Austin History Center Digital Collections
Access thousands of digitized items from the Austin History Center archives, with more added each week.
Austin History Center (AHC) Digital Collections provides thousands of digitized items from the AHC archives, with more added each week.
AHC Digital Collections is a repository for the preservation and public access of digitized and born-digital historical artifacts from the History Center’s collections.
The first collections published include thousands of historic photos documenting people, places, and events that have shaped Austin’s history. Existing digital objects and newly digitized collections are being added weekly and will include archival documents, oral history recordings, videos, maps, and additional photographs.
Users can keyword search across all collections or browse the digital collections by material type or collecting units.
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Contact the Austin History Center
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Austin Monitor
The Austin Monitor is available back to 1995 in the NewsBank database.
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Black Newspaper Collection (Historical)
Black Newspaper Collection (Historical) includes searchable articles from Black newspapers in the U.S. with select coverage for the years 1893-2010.
- Articles display in PDF format.
- Please check the resource directly for title list and coverage.
- To search obituaries: choose Advanced Search, go to Document Type and check the Obituary box.
Help / Ayuda
Find search tips and more on ProQuest Historical Newspapers LibGuide.
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Brainfuse HelpNow
Brainfuse HelpNow
Live online tutoring available every day from 2 PM - 11 PM
Homework help and test prep for students in grades K-12 and adult learners.
Brainfuse HelpNow provides online tutoring for students in grades K-12 and adult learners. Live tutors are available every day from 2 PM - 11 PM.
The Brainfuse HelpNow app is available on iOS and Android devices.
To get a Brainfuse HelpNow login:
- Open Brainfuse HelpNow in a browser.
- Click "Login".
- Click "Sign up".
- Create a user name and password.
- Use your user name and password to login to the app.
Brainfuse HelpNow Highlights:
- Writing Lab: upload a document and get feedback within one business day
- SkillSurfer: test prep & skill-building
- Live Chess Tutoring: Listed under Expert Help. New!
- Send Question: ask the tutors for help outside of tutoring hours — get a reply within one business day
- Language Lab: live practice for learning Spanish
- Español: tutoring in Spanish for many subjects
About Brainfuse HelpNow:
- Students communicate with live tutors using an interactive whiteboard to chat, write, draw, copy/paste text or images and graph homework problems.
- All live sessions are saved and can be replayed as well as shared with friends and teachers by email.
- Registration is not required to get live tutoring help, but it is recommended so that students can track their progress.
- Registration is required for certain modules like The Writing Lab and the SkillSurfer.
Help / Ayuda
Check out the Brainfuse HelpNow tutorial from Niche Academy.
Email for technical assistance.
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Brainfuse HelpNow en Español
Brainfuse HelpNow en Español
Ayuda Gratis en Línea - Todos los Niveles - Maestros en español
Brainfuse HelpNow ofrece servicios de tutoría en línea para los grados K-12: disponibles cada día, 2 PM -11 PM. También ofrece herramientas para adultos que estudian para el GED, y examen de ciudadanía entre otras cosas.
Ayuda Gratis en Línea - Todos los Niveles - Maestros en español
Brainfuse HelpNow ofrece tutorías para estudiantes en los grados K-12 y también para adultos. Hay tutores disponibles cada día entre las 2 pm y las 11 pm.
El app de Brainfuse HelpNow está disponible para dispositivos iOS y Android
Para inscribirse en Brainfuse HelpNow:
- Abra Brainfuse HelpNow en un navegador o browser.
- Haga click en "Login".
- Haga click en "Regístrese".
- Cree un nombre de usuario y una contraseña.
- Use su usuario y contraseña para ingresar a Brainfuse HelpNow en su app.
Servicios destacados:
- Centro de Redacción: suba un documento y obtenga retroalimentación en el plazo de un día hábil. Incluye resumés y cartas de presentación para aplicaciones de trabajo.
- SkillSurfer: Le ayuda a prepararse para exámenes y a mejorar las destrezas del estudiante.
- Centro 24/7: Pida ayuda de los tutores fuera del horario de tutoría y obtenga una respuesta en el plazo de un día hábil.
¿Qué es Brainfuse HelpNow?
- En Brainfuse, estudiantes pueden comunicarse con tutores utilizando una pizarra interactiva para conversar, escribir, dibujar, copiar y pegar texto o imágenes y gráficos sobre problemas que tengan resolviendo sus tareas.
- Cada sesión en vivo será almacenada y puede volver a verla así como compartirla con amigos y maestros por medio de correo electrónico.
- No necesita registrarse para recibir el servicio de tutoría en tiempo real o en vivo, pero se recomienda para que pueda evaluar su avance.
- Para utilizar módulos como el Centro de Redacción y SkillSurfer necesita registrarse.
Help / Ayuda
Aprenda cómo utilizar Brainfuse HelpNow viendo este curso rápido que ofrece la "Niche Academy".
Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Brainfuse JobNow
Brainfuse JobNow
Live online job and life skills coaching available every day from 2 PM - 11 PM
Online job coaching and resume assistance
Brainfuse JobNow provides online job and life skills coaching and resume assistance. Live coaches are available every day from 2 PM - 11 PM.
The Brainfuse HelpNow app is available on iOS and Android devices.
To get a Brainfuse JobNow login:
- Open Brainfuse JobNow in a browser.
- Click "Login".
- Click "Sign up".
- Create a user name and password.
- Use your user name and password to login to the app.
- If you have a Brainfuse HelpNow login, you will need to create a new login for Brainfuse JobNow.
JobNow Features:
Brainfuse JobNow provides users with a host of services to help in every step of the job search process including job searching, resume templates, professional resume review, and live interview coaching. Live Job Coaches are available every day from 2PM – 11 PM.
Live Interview Coaching: You can brush up on interview techniques or get live online interview practice from trained job coaches. Job coaches communicate via live chat in our online classroom. In addition to live interview coaching, you have 24/7 access to interview tips and career resources.
Life Skills Coaching: Life Skills Coaches will assist you with essential skills such as time management, financial literacy, practical skills, and more.
Expert Job Matching: You can get matched to open positions based on skills, interests, and preferences. After filling out a questionnaire, the Brainfuse Job Matching experts will search for available positions that match your requested criteria, including preferences such as salary range, benefits, industry, and more. Within two business days, you'll receive a response with links and additional information for the positions. Please note that the Job Matching Experts will not complete applications.
Resume Lab: You can submit your resume any time through the JobNow Resume Lab and a job coach will send it back within 24 hours with detailed feedback and suggestions for improvement. You are also able to download resume templates, or browse resources for producing better resumes.
Career Resources: You have 24/7 access to a carefully-selected library of job resources. In addition, Brainfuse job coaches help you strategically target jobs best suited to your interests and qualifications.
Unemployment Benefits: Brainfuse's unemployment benefits coaches have previous experience working with and within unemployment benefits and claims offices in different states throughout the country. In addition to expertise with their own states' procedures, our coaches are given access to updated, state-specific resources, and are trained to manage requests from users in any area that Brainfuse provides service. Benefits coaches can help users with simple questions, assist them with filling out the appropriate forms, and offer insight into the various specific guidelines that each state's unemployment insurance office abides by.
Adult Learning Center: The Adult Learning Center provides foundational, career-enhancing skills to job seekers. In addition, the Adult Learning Center offers test preparation (including the GED and the USCIS citizenship test) and a unique academic skills center featuring live, online tutors.
Help / Ayuda
View the short tutorial from Niche Academy.
These YouTube videos highlight different features:
- JobNow overview [2:17]
- Job Resources and Live Job Coach [1:32]
- Interview Resources and Coaching [1:19]
- Self Assessment and eParachute [1:49]
Email for technical assistance.
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Brands and Their Companies
Brands and Their Companies
Directory of manufacturers and distributors for public and private businesses
Brands and Their Companies lists manufacturers and distributors from small businesses to large corporations, from both the public and private sectors. It covers more than 426,000 U.S. consumer brands; 115,000 manufacturers, importers or distributors; and companies that are out of business as well as brands that are no longer in production or are now considered generic.
This eBook is fully searchable and accessed through the Gale Directory Library.
Help / Ayuda
Watch these video tutorials for search tips.
For additional resources, the City of Austin Small Business Division provides business training, educational events, and coaching to empower entrepreneurs.
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Britannica Library
Britannica Library
Encyclopedia entries, magazine articles, images and videos for all ages
Britannica Library lets you choose from 3 levels to find information suitable for your grade or reading level. You can search for encyclopedia entries, magazine articles, images and videos.
Britannica Children is for students in grades K-5.
Britannica Young Adults is for students in grades 6-8.
Britannica Reference Center is for high school and adult researchers.
Help / Ayuda
Check out the Britannica Library tutorial from Niche Academy.
To get an overview of the Britannica Library, view this two-minute video.
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Business & Nonprofits Research Guide
The Business and Nonprofits Research Guide provides research tools for the following topics:
- Business Plans
- Company Information
- Funding for Texas Businesses
- Industry Information
- Marketing
- Nonprofits
- Starting a Local Business
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Centro de Referencia
Centro de Referencia
Incluye Enciclopedia Moderna para adultos y estudiantes y Britannica Escolar Online para estudiantes de 6 a 12 años de edad
Centro de Referencia le ofrece recursos de referencia en español en dos interfaces exclusivas — cada una con una enciclopedia adaptada al lector: Enciclopedia Moderna para adultos y estudiantes y Britannica Escolar Online para estudiantes de 6 a 12 años de edad.
Spanish Reference Center offers resources in Spanish for all ages in two unique interfaces, each with its own comprehensive encyclopedia: Enciclopedia Moderna for high school ages and up and Britannica Escolar Online for ages 6-12.
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Chicago Manual of Style Online
Chicago Manual of Style Online
State-of-the-art recommendations on editorial style and publishing practices
The Chicago Manual of Style has the complete text of both the 18th and 17th editions.
The site also includes
- Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide for students, researchers and writers
- Chicago Style Q&A, entertaining and informative answers to readers' questions
- Video Tutorials to help you find what you're looking for
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Children's Core Collection
Children's Core Collection
Recommended fiction and nonfiction books, magazines and web resources for children
Children's Core Collection lists quality fiction and nonfiction books, story collections, picture books and magazines for children in preschool through grade six.
Entries provide complete bibliographic data, price, subject headings, a descriptive annotation and evaluative quotations from a review when available.
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Core Collections Training articles and videos
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Chilton Library
Chilton Library provides photographs, diagnostics, step-by-step repair procedures, Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) maintenance schedules, wiring diagrams, recalls and Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs) for automobiles and light trucks. Domestic and import vehicle information updated monthly.
Help / Ayuda
Check out the Chilton Library tutorial from Niche Academy.
Watch these video tutorials for search tips.
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Ciudadanía Americana
Ciudadanía Americana
Curso de ciudadanía en línea para personas que hablan español.
An online American citizenship course for Spanish-speakers.
Ciudadanía Americana es una guía para aquellos que deseen convertirse en ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos. Aquí puede practicar las 100 preguntas y con las respuestas en inglés y español.
Ciudadanía Americana is a guide to becoming a United States citizen. You can practice the 100 questions and find answers in Spanish and English.
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Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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cloudLibrary provides eBooks and audiobooks in a Lucky Day collection.
Lucky Day titles are available for immediate checkout, with no holds, no renewals, and a shorter loan period.
In the cloudLibrary Lucky Day collection, you can:
- Borrow 1 item at a time
- Check out for 10 days
- Login with your Austin Public Library card number and password
- "Save for Later" if the title isn't available
- Check the app often for popular books — it could be your Lucky Day!
Get Started on a device:
- Download the cloudLibrary by bibliotheca app to your device
- Follow the screen prompts to find Austin Public Library
- Enter Library Card number and password
- Tap the "Search" button to see available titles
Help / Ayuda
- Short video with login steps
- cloudLibrary tutorial from Niche Academy
- The cloudLibrary Support page has common issues, how-to videos, and user guides.
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Consumer provides reliable ratings and reviews for thousands of products from Consumer Reports. Reviews are easily searchable and updated regularly.
- Compare price, performance and reliability all in one place using expert reviews
- Purchase the best product from retailers on an ad-free, frequently updated website
- Find reliable information on new and used cars
- Obtain reliable and unbiased consumer health information to improve healthcare outcomes
Help / Ayuda
View the Niche Academy tutorial
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Consumer Research Guide
The Consumer Research Guide provides research tools for the following topics:
- Consumer Protection
- Media Literacy
- Personal Finance
- Privacy and Identity
- Real Estate and Rentals
- Rebate Austin
- Recycling
- Social Services
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Core Collection en Español
Core Collection en Español
Core Collection en Español lists Spanish-language titles that are recommended for all ages and reading levels. Coverage includes original Spanish-language books, translations into Spanish, bilingual materials, and support for English-language learners (ELLs).
Core Collection en Español ofrece sugerencias de libros en español para todas las edades y niveles de lectura. Incluye libros escritos originalmente en español, traducciones, títulos bilingües, y materiales de apoyo para personas que están aprendiendo inglés como segunda lengua (ELLs por sus siglas en inglés).
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Core Collections Complete
Core Collections are reliable guides to help with collection development and maintenance, general reference and readers’ advisory needs. You can browse lists of award-winning books, get ideas for book displays and book lists and see recently-added books every time you log in.
Core Collections Complete includes:
- Children's Core Collection
- Core Collection en Español
- Fiction Core Collection
- Graphic Novels Core Collection
- Middle and Junior High Core Collection
- Nonfiction Core Collection
- Senior High Core Collection
Help / Ayuda
Core Collections Training articles and videos
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Dictionary of American Family Names
Dictionary of American Family Names
More than 70,000 of the most commonly occurring surnames in the United States.
The Dictionary of American Family Names contains more than 70,000 of the most commonly occurring surnames in the United States, giving their comparative frequencies, linguistic and historical explanations, selected associated forenames and occasional genealogical notes. It explains the meanings—some intuitive, some amusing and some quite surprising—of the family names for more than 90 percent of the U.S. population.
It is also available through the Oxford Reference portal.
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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eBooks from EBSCOhost
eBooks from EBSCOhost has online-only, single-user, technical, scholarly and general interest eBooks.
eBooks from EBSCOhost cannot be downloaded.
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Check out this tutorial for tips.
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Education & Training Research Guide
The Education & Training Research Guide provides research tools on the following topics:
- Adult and Continuing Education
- APL Digital Makerspace
- Central Library Field Trips for Kids and Teens
- Coding
- Colleges and Universities
- Computer Training
- Language Learning
- Media Literacy
- Online Education and Training
- Resources for Educators
- Test Preparation
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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eJournal Finder
eJournal Finder
Find magazines and newspapers included in Austin Public Library databases
eJournal Finder is a searchable and browsable index of full-text periodicals available through Austin Public Library's online databases.
- Find periodicals by title, keyword or ISSN.
- Browse by subject or title.
- Links are provided to the appropriate database search screen.
Help / Ayuda
Learn how to find an exact title with the eJournal Finder. If you need help using this database, Ask a Librarian.
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Electric Lady Bird
Electric Lady Bird
Listen Now: Austin Public Library's curation of current music by Central Texas artists.
Electric Lady Bird (ELB) is the Austin Public Library's curation of current music by Central Texas artists. ELB has annual submission rounds and adds 50 - 100 albums / EPs per year. The music is free to stream anywhere in the world!
Start streaming now. From rock, hip hop, country, Americana, pop and more, ELB has sounds for everyone.
Discover your new favorite musician on the current ELB roster that includes up-and-coming artists and Austin legends.
New playlists are added regularly to help you explore the collection.
Check out the Concerts page!
During open submission periods, upload 1-3 full-length tracks representative of your overall work to the submission form. The tracks should be from a full album or EP released within the last 2 years that you own the rights to. More details are at our FAQ.
Jurors from the Austin music community will select the best albums. Selected musicians will be awarded $200.00 for their album/EP. In exchange, the Library will receive non-exclusive rights to stream the album/EP for a 3-year term. If selected, you will be contacted with instructions on how to join Electric Lady Bird.
Help / Ayuda
If you have questions not answered in the FAQ, please email Electric Lady Bird.
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Electric Lady Bird En Español
Electric Lady Bird En Español
Electric Lady Bird (ELB) le ofrece música de artistas del centro de Texas, libre de comerciales y que ha sido cuidadosamente seleccionada para usted.
Por medio de Electric Lady Bird (ELB) la Biblioteca Pública de Austin selecciona cuidadosamente la mejor música producida por artistas del centro de Texas. Cada año, durante el período de convocatoria, ELB añade aproximadamente 100 álbumes. ¡La música puede escucharse gratuitamente desde cualquier parte del mundo!
Escuche música en reproducción a tiempo real desde Aquí encontrará música latina, rock, hip hop, country, americana, pop y más. ELB tiene música para todos los gustos.
Descubra su nuevo artista favorito visitando la lista de músicos emergentes así como leyendas de Austin.
Nuevas listas de reproducción se agregan mensualmente para ayudarle a explorar la colección.
¿Quiere incluir su música en esta colección? ¡Nosotros también queremos que lo haga!
Durante el tiempo en que la convocatoria esté abierta envíe de una a tres pistas completas como muestra de su trabajo a Las pistas deberán ser parte de un álbum completo o de un EP lanzado en los últimos 2 años cuyos derechos le pertenezcan.
Un jurado con miembros de la comunidad musical de Austin seleccionará los mejores álbumes. Los músicos seleccionados recibirán $200. A cambio, la Biblioteca recibirá derechos no exclusivos para transmitir el álbum o EP por un plazo de tres años.
Si resulta seleccionado, nos comunicaremos al siguiente mes con indicaciones sobre cómo unirse a ELB.
Para esto debe aceptar: Subir el resto de su álbum o EP.
Rabble Music (la compañía creadora de la plataforma donde vive Electric Lady Bird) le estará enviando el pago de sus honorarios. Recibirá una notificación por medio de correo electrónico desde cuando le envíen su pago.
Help / Ayuda
Si tiene dudas o inquietudes puede visitar la sección de preguntas frecuentes (en inglés por el momento) y si necesita más ayuda, escriba a Electric Lady Bird.
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Encyclopedia of Associations: National Organizations of the U.S.
Encyclopedia of Associations: National Organizations of the U.S.
Covers more than 23,000 organizations
Encyclopedia of Associations: National Organizations of the U.S. is a comprehensive source of detailed information concerning nonprofit American membership organizations of national scope. It covers more than 23,000 organizations in categories such as trade, business and commercial; legal, governmental, public administration and military; cultural; educational; veterans, hereditary and patriotic; athletic and sports; fan clubs and more.
This eBook is fully searchable and accessed through the Gale Directory Library.
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Encyclopedia of Associations: Regional, State and Local Organizations
Encyclopedia of Associations: Regional, State and Local Organizations
Covers more than 95,000 organizations
Encyclopedia of Associations: Regional, State and Local Organizations provides detailed and comprehensive information on more than 95,000 nonprofit membership organizations
This eBook is fully searchable and accessed through the Gale Directory Library.
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Factiva provides access to the full text of thousands of newspapers, newswires, magazines, and TV and radio transcripts from over 150 countries in 28 languages.
The Home tab > Newsstand: US section links to current articles of publications including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post.
Please log out when you're done: the Library has a limited number of concurrent users.
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For search tips, see Dow Jones Factiva LibGuide and watch short video tutorials.
For additional resources, the City of Austin Small Business Division provides business training, educational events, and coaching to empower entrepreneurs.
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Factiva en Español
Factiva en Español
Contiene una colección de más de 32.000 periódicos y revistas de 150 países en 28 idiomas diferentes.
Factiva contiene una colección de más de 32.000 periódicos y revistas de 150 países en 28 idiomas diferentes. Ofrece además reportes financieros de compañías multinacionales así como información histórica del mercado de valores.
Para cambiar la interface al español vaya a la sección de configuración o herramientas desde donde podrá hacerlo. Una vez que haya terminado con esta base de datos escoja la opción “Finalizar Sesión” en el mismo menú pues la biblioteca tiene un número limitado de usuarios que pueden utilizarla al mismo tiempo.
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Fiction Core Collection
Fiction Core Collection has information on thousands of works of fiction for adults, either written in or translated into English. Out-of-print titles are included.
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Core Collections Training articles and videos
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Fold3 Library Edition
Fold3 Library Edition
Fold3 Library Edition provides US military records and archives dating back to the Revolutionary War for genealogy and history research.
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See Fold3 Library Edition LibGuide for search tips.
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Foundation Directory Online Professional
Foundation Directory Online Professional
Access to Foundation Directory Online Professional Edition was discontinued on May 31, 2024.
Access to Foundation Directory Online Professional Edition was discontinued on May 31, 2024.
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Funding for Texas Businesses Research Guide
Funding for Texas Businesses Research Guide
Provides resources curated by expert librarians.
The Funding for Texas Businesses Research Guide provides curated resources by expert librarians.
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Gale Academic OneFile
Gale Academic OneFile with OneFile Collections provides millions of articles from over 17,000 scholarly journals and other authoritative sources—including thousands of podcasts and transcripts from NPR and CNN as well as videos from BBC Worldwide Learning.
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Gale Books and Authors
Gale Books and Authors is a readers' advisory tool. Includes browsing, read-alikes, reviews, award winners and themed book lists.
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Gale Business: DemographicsNow
Gale Business: DemographicsNow
The Gale Business: DemographicsNow subscription expired on January 15, 2024.
Please visit Statista and AtoZdatabases for market research and business information.
The Gale Business: DemographicsNow subscription expired on January 15, 2024.
Please visit Statista and AtoZdatabases for market research and business information.
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- For additional resources, the City of Austin Small Business Division provides business training, educational events, and coaching to empower entrepreneurs.
Gale Business: Entrepreneurship
Gale Business: Entrepreneurship covers all aspects of starting, financing and operating a business. Resources include sample business plans, how to guides, articles and websites.
Content is updated regularly and embedded in Gale Business: Plan Builder.
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For additional resources, the City of Austin Small Business Division provides business training, educational events, and coaching to empower entrepreneurs.
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Gale Business: Insights
Gale Business: Insights has detailed company and industry profiles including SWOT reports, market share reports and financial reports. It also has company histories, industry essays, business news and articles from scholarly journals.
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For additional resources, the City of Austin Small Business Division provides business training, educational events, and coaching to empower entrepreneurs.
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Gale Business: Plan Builder
Gale Business: Plan Builder
The Gale Business: Plan Builder subscription expired on January 15, 2024.
Please visit Gale Business: Entrepreneurship for sample business plans.
The Gale Business: Plan Builder subscription expired on January 15, 2024. Please visit Gale Business: Entrepreneurship for sample business plans.
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- For additional resources, the City of Austin Small Business Division provides business training, educational events, and coaching to empower entrepreneurs.
Gale Databases
Gale Databases
Search all the Gale research databases available through Austin Public Library
View and search all the Gale research databases available through Austin Public Library. Cross-search databases or select individual databases to use. There are databases in all fields and subject interests for students, consumers, business researchers and the general public.
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Gale Directory Library
Gale Directory Library
Searchable directories covering a variety of industries and organizations
The Gale Directory Library contains:
- Brands and Their Companies
- Encyclopedia of Associations: National Organizations of the U.S.
- Encyclopedia of Associations: Regional, State and Local Organizations
- Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media
- National Directory of Nonprofit Organizations
- Publishers Directory
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For additional resources, the City of Austin Small Business Division provides business training, educational events, and coaching to empower entrepreneurs.
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Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media
Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media
Directory listings for print and broadcast media.
The Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media contains listings for print media, cable companies and radio and television stations. Scope includes U.S. and international media.
This eBook is fully searchable and accessed through the Gale Directory Library.
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Gale General OneFile
Gale General OneFile with OneFile Collections provides over 8,000 general interest magazines, journals, newspapers, reference material and audio content.
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Gale Health and Wellness
Gale Health and Wellness offers access to full-text medical journals, magazines, reference works and multimedia, focused on consumer health topics.
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Gale In Context: Biography
Gale In Context: Biography
Gale In Context: Biography contains more than 600,000 biographical entries covering international figures from all time periods and areas of study. Content includes reference sources, videos, audio selections, images, primary sources, and magazine and journal articles.
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Gale In Context: College
Gale In Context: College provides interdisciplinary content including news articles, images, videos, and audio selections that include archival film clips.
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Gale In Context: Elementary
Gale In Context: Elementary provides resources for elementary school student research, grades K-5. Sources include magazine and newspaper articles, encyclopedia entries and images.
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Gale In Context: Environmental Studies
Gale In Context: Environmental Studies
Gale In Context: Environmental Studies includes case studies, news articles, reference materials, academic journals and videos.
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Gale In Context: High School
Gale In Context: High School includes reference content, biographies, primary sources, multimedia, critical essays, news and academic journals for high school student research.
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Gale In Context: Middle School
Gale In Context: Middle School provides age-appropriate videos, newspapers, magazines and primary sources for middle school student research, defined as grades 6-9.
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Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints
Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints provides over 13,000 essays and articles expressing pro/con views, from capital punishment to stem cells to texting-while-driving.
If you need articles for an argument or position paper, points for a debate or essays for a current events report, this site provides these from different sources including books, magazines, journals and newspapers.
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Gale in Context: Science
Gale in Context: Science provides authoritative information covering all major science topics. It contains newspaper & magazine articles, reference books, images & videos, science experiments, biographies and dictionaries.
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Gale Interactive: Science
Gale Interactive: Science is a virtual science lab for middle and high school students. The content is paired with interactive 3D models to deliver a virtual laboratory simulation experience.
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Gale Literature Resource Center
Gale Literature Resource Center offers literary analysis, biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism, and reviews on more than 130,000 writers in all disciplines, from all time periods, and from around the world.
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Gale Literature: LitFinder
Gale Literature: LitFinder contains literary works and secondary-source materials covering world literature and authors throughout history. Including more than 132,000 full-text poems and 670,000+ poetry citations, as well as short stories, speeches and plays.
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Gale Literature: Scribner Writer Series
Gale Literature: Scribner Writer Series contains essays on writers and literary works.
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Gale Literature: Twayne’s Author Series
Gale Literature: Twayne’s Author Series
Gale Literature: Twayne’s Author Series provides in-depth critical introductions to the lives and works of major writers.
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Gale OneFile: Agriculture
Gale OneFile: Agriculture contains more than 600 journals covering agriculture topics.
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Gale OneFile: Business
Gale OneFile: Business
Gale OneFile: Business provides full-text coverage from nearly 4,000 leading business and trade publications.
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Gale OneFile: Communications and Mass Media
Gale OneFile: Communications and Mass Media
Gale OneFile: Communications and Mass Media has nearly 3 million articles from more than 400 journals on all aspects of the communications field, including advertising, public relations, linguistics and literature.
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Gale OneFile: Computer Science
Gale OneFile: Computer Science
Gale OneFile: Computer Science provides access to more than 600 business and technical publications in the computer, telecommunications, and electronics industries.
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Gale OneFile: Contemporary Women's Issues
Gale OneFile: Contemporary Women's Issues provides access to current full text and pertinent backfile content covering topics including civil rights, health, education, professional development, and entrepreneurship.
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Gale OneFile: Criminal Justice
Gale OneFile: Criminal Justice contains articles from more than 250 journals covering criminal justice and legal topics.
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Gale OneFile: Culinary Arts
Gale OneFile: Culinary Arts contains more than five million articles from more than 250 major cooking and nutrition magazines, as well as book reference content.
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Gale OneFile: Diversity Studies
Gale OneFile: Diversity Studies
Gale OneFile: Diversity Studies includes more than 2.7 million articles from 150 journals about cultural differences, contributions and influences in the global community.
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Gale OneFile: Economics and Theory
Gale OneFile: Economics and Theory
Gale OneFile: Economics and Theory contains articles from full-text academic journals and magazines that are useful for starting a business, marketing a product, developing policy, analyzing trends, constructing economic models, investing for the future, researching rates and more.
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Gale OneFile: Educator’s Reference Complete
Gale OneFile: Educator’s Reference Complete
Gale OneFile: Educator’s Reference Complete provides more than 1,100 periodicals and 200 reports for educators, from the school teacher and administrator to students in the field at the collegiate and graduate level. It seeks to provide full text for titles in the ERIC database and covers multiple levels of education from preschool to college, and every educational specialty—such as technology, bilingual education, health education, and testing. It also provides insight on issues in administration, funding, and policy.
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Gale OneFile: Entrepreneurship
Gale OneFile: Entrepreneurship
Gale OneFile: Entrepreneurship contains business articles from over 500 magazines and trade journals.
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Gale OneFile: Environmental Studies and Policy
Gale OneFile: Environmental Studies and Policy
Gale OneFile: Environmental Studies and Policy covers environmental topics with articles from journals and book excerpts.
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Gale OneFile: Fine Arts
Gale OneFile: Fine Arts provides articles about drama, music, art history and filmmaking.
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Gale OneFile: Gardening and Horticulture
Gale OneFile: Gardening and Horticulture
Gale OneFile: Gardening and Horticulture contains articles and book selections for gardeners and horticultural enthusiasts of all levels.
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Gale OneFile: Gender Studies
Gale OneFile: Gender Studies
Gale OneFile: Gender Studies provides access to scholarly journals and magazines covering topics including gender studies, family and marital issues, and more.
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Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine
Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine
Health information for nursing and allied health students and consumer health researchers.
Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine provides health information for nursing and allied health students and consumer health researchers.
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Gale OneFile: High School Edition
Gale OneFile: High School Edition
Gale OneFile: High School Edition is designed for middle- and high-school students and provides access to age-appropriate, authoritative digital content for classroom assignments. Learners can research magazines, journals, newspapers, and reference books covering a wide range of subjects, from science, history, and literature to political science, sports, and environmental studies.
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Gale OneFile: Home Improvement
Gale OneFile: Home Improvement contains home improvement articles covering topics such as architectural techniques, tool and material selection, and zoning requirements for hobbyists and professionals.
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Gale OneFile: Hospitality and Tourism
Gale OneFile: Hospitality and Tourism
Gale OneFile: Hospitality and Tourism provides articles about the cultural and economic aspects of travel and tourism as well as vacation planning resources.
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Gale OneFile: Information Science
Gale OneFile: Information Science
Gale OneFile: Information Science contains articles covering all aspects of managing and maintaining information and technology, including usability, cataloging, circulation, and business information for library science students, information science and technology professionals.
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Gale OneFile: Informe Académico
Gale OneFile: Informe Académico
Gale OneFile: Informe Académico provee una gran gama de revistas académicas y de entretenimiento en español y portugués editadas en América Latina y con contenidos sobre esta región.
Gale OneFile: Informe Académico provides a wide range of full-text Spanish- and Portuguese-language scholarly journals and magazines both from and about Latin America.
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Gale OneFile: Insurance and Liability
Gale OneFile: Insurance and Liability
Gale OneFile: Insurance and Liability contains articles about protection of physical or intellectual assets for laypeople and professionals.
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Gale OneFile: Leadership and Management
Gale OneFile: Leadership and Management provides career development articles covering topics such as 21st-century skills, organizational dynamics and leadership, adult learning and continuing education.
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Gale OneFile: Military and Intelligence
Gale OneFile: Military and Intelligence
Gale OneFile: Military and Intelligence contains articles and reports covering all aspects of the past and present military affairs including governmental policies, the socioeconomic effects of war and the structure of the armed forces.
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Gale OneFile: News
Gale OneFile: News
Gale OneFile: News provides access to more than 2,300 major U.S. regional, national, international and local newspapers. It also includes thousands of images, radio and TV broadcasts and transcripts.
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Gale OneFile: Nursing and Allied Health
Gale OneFile: Nursing and Allied Health contains articles for nursing professionals and students about supporting specialized care, treatment, and patient management.
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Gale OneFile: Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine
Gale OneFile: Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine
Gale OneFile: Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine contains articles from academic journals and magazines covering the fields of physical therapy, physical fitness, and sports medicine.
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Gale OneFile: Pop Culture Studies
Gale OneFile: Pop Culture Studies
Gale OneFile: Pop Culture Studies provides access to scholarly journals and magazines that both analyze and contribute to popular culture. The database offers useful information for researchers in social science, history, art or liberal arts courses.
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Gale OneFile: Popular Magazines
Gale OneFile: Popular Magazines contains general interest articles on multiple topics.
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Gale OneFile: Psychology
Gale OneFile: Psychology provides articles for researchers, psychologists, counselors and behavioral scientists in all fields of psychology: abnormal, biological, cognitive, comparative, developmental, personality, quantitative, social and applied psychology.
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Gale OneFile: Religion and Philosophy
Gale OneFile: Religion and Philosophy
Gale OneFile: Religion and Philosophy contains articles covering topics across a wide range of philosophies and religions.
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Gale OneFile: Science
Gale OneFile: Science contains full-text articles from over 350 science journals.
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Gale OneFile: U.S. History
Gale OneFile: U.S. History contains articles from scholarly journals and magazines for novice historians and academic researchers.
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Gale OneFile: Vocations and Careers
Gale OneFile: Vocations and Careers provides articles from journals and magazines that aid users in researching a vocation, finding an appropriate institution of learning, job searching, and maintaining a career.
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Gale OneFile: War and Terrorism
Gale OneFile: War and Terrorism provides articles about conflicts and their causes, impact and perception on a global scale, for analysts, risk management professionals, and students of military science, history, and social science.
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Gale OneFile: World History
Gale OneFile: World History contains articles from scholarly journals and magazines for novice historians and academic researchers.
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Gale Presents: Miss Humblebee's Academy
Gale Presents: Miss Humblebee's Academy
Miss Humblebee’s Academy is an interactive learning program aligned with preschool and elementary standards for children ages three to six.
It offers hundreds of lessons spanning all major academic subjects, including social and emotional learning,for kindergarten readiness.
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Gale Presents: National Geographic Kids
Gale Presents: National Geographic Kids
Gale Presents: National Geographic Kids includes the complete run of the magazine from the first issue in 2009 to the present, as well as books, videos and images. Geared towards students in primary through middle school.
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Gale Presents: National Geographic Magazine Archive, 1888-2020
Gale Presents: National Geographic Magazine Archive, 1888-2020
Gale Presents: National Geographic Magazine Archive, 1888-2020 provides full-page magazines from its start in 1888 to 2020.
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Gale Presents: Udemy
Gale Presents: Udemy offers thousands of on-demand video courses taught by world-class instructors across 75 categories for upskilling in the areas of business, technology, and design, as well as courses on health and well-being, the arts and language learning. Courses are replaced monthly with new material addressing emerging topics. On-demand videos in eight different languages taught by native-speaking instructors are also included.
Signing up for a Udemy account is required. If you've signed up with another library, you can use that login. If you have a direct account with Udemy, you need to create a new account after signing in with your Library card and password.
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Genealogy and People Search Research Guide
Genealogy and People Search Research Guide
Provides resources curated by expert librarians.
The Genealogy and People Search Research Guide provides research tools for the following topics:
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GeoRef provides geosciences references from scholarly journals, monographs, master's theses and doctoral dissertations. The database includes references to all publications of the U.S. Geological Survey.
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Government and Citizenship Research Guide
Government and Citizenship Research Guide
Provides resources curated by expert librarians.
The Government & Citizenship Research Guide provides information on the following topics:
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Graphic Novels Core Collection
Graphic Novels Core Collection is a list of recommended titles with descriptive and evaluative annotations, plus cover art. Annotations include review excerpts and awards the title has won. All titles are searchable by author, title, subject, genre and grade level.
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Core Collections Training articles and videos
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Health Research Guide
The Health Research Guide provides research tools on the following topics:
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HeritageQuest Online
HeritageQuest Online
Genealogy research tools including Federal Censuses, and family and local histories
HeritageQuest Online helps researchers find data from the U.S. Federal Censuses from 1790 to 1930; more than 22,000 full-text family and local histories; and PERSI, a subject index of 6,300 local history and genealogy periodicals.
It includes Revolutionary War pension and bounty-land-warrant application files, as well as the Freedman’s Bank Records, an important resource for African-American genealogical research. Additionally, there are more than 250 primary-source documents such as tax lists, city directories and probate records.
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Check out the HeritageQuest Online tutorial from Niche Academy.
See About HeritageQuest Online for video tutorials and user guides.
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hoopla has digital movies, music, TV shows, audiobooks, eBooks and comics.
- Instantly available borrowing.
- No hold queues
- Stream content through your browser on PC/Mac.
- Stream or download with the hoopla digital app for iOS, Android, Kindle Fire and Roku.
- Check out 4 items per month.
- Movies & TV shows check out for 3 days.
- Music CDs check out for 7 days.
- Audiobooks, eBooks and comics / graphic novels check out for 21 days.
- BingePasses check out for 7 days.
- Read our hoopla FAQ for more tips.
To get started in your browser:
- Go to hoopla and click "Get Started."
- Create your hoopla account with an email address and password (8-character minimum). The hoopla account is not linked to other Library accounts.
- Under "Choose your library," select "Austin Public Library (TX)".
- Enter your Library card barcode and Library PIN/Password, and you're ready to use hoopla.
You can also create an account directly in the app following similar steps. Get the app from your device’s app store, open it and tap Sign Up.
Note: Kindle eBooks are not available on hoopla. Select titles in OverDrive / Libby are available in Kindle format.
Help / Ayuda
For more information:
- hoopla has a Help page
- Email them at
- Watch their how-to videos on YouTube
- Check our hoopla FAQ
- Check out the hoopla tutorial from Niche Academy.
- Ask a Librarian
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hoopla en Español
hoopla en Español
Hoopla tiene películas, música, programas de televisión, libros en audio, libros electrónicos y cómics, todo en formato digital
Hoopla tiene películas, música, programas de televisión, libros en audio, libros electrónicos y cómics, todo en formato digital. El proceso de préstamo es el mismo para todos los materiales: puede ver o escuchar cada título a través de su navegador en una computadora Mac o PC. También es posible descargar o transmitir los títulos seleccionados por medio de su aplicación para dispositivos móviles.
- Las películas y programas de televisión se prestan por 3 días
- Los CD de música por 7 días
- Libros en audio, libros electrónicos y cómics/novelas gráficas por 21 días.
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Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Inglés en 100 Días
Inglés en 100 Días
Curso acelerado online de inglés en 100 sesiones intensivas.
Program for Spanish speakers to learn English in 100 intensive sessions.
Inglés en 100 Días es un programa de estudio desarrollado en 100 sesiones intensivas (unidades didácticas), divididos en 14 niveles de enseñanza, del nivel A1 al B2 del Marco de Referencia Europeo. Para el final del curso, habrás aprendido 800 conceptos fundamentales del idioma.
Podrás acceder a 800 vídeos de fácil comprensión, en inglés y en español, 600 audios, 71 e-books, 1.200 páginas a color, profusamente ilustradas, 2.000 ejercicios de autocorrección. Además, tendrás as tu disposición 100 notas culturales y trucos ¡para aprender inglés por si mismo!
También incluye un curso completo de pronunciación, un software exclusivo de práctica de pronunciación, 14 exámenes parciales de nivel y 2 exámenes finales de autoevaluación. Se pueden hacer consultas ilimitadas a maestros e ingresar a diversos diccionarios en línea.
English in 100 Days is organized in 100 intensive sessions divided into 14 learning levels. At the end of the course, you’ll have learned 800 fundamental English concepts.
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Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Investor's Business Daily
Investor's Business Daily
Library access only.
Information about stocks, funds and markets with daily data tables and investment tools.
Investor's Business Daily provides information about stocks, funds and markets with daily data tables and investment tools.
In-library access only. A Library staff member must log customers into the site. When finished, please log out to allow other users to access to the site.
The Austin Public Library's subscription to Investor's Business Daily does not include the subscriber-only features on
Help / Ayuda
If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Job & Career Accelerator
Job & Career Accelerator
Create resumes and cover letters, explore career options and search for jobs
Job & Career Accelerator from LearningExpress Library combines everything you need for a successful job search into one easy-to-use online application.
With this innovative job-hunting system, you can:
- Explore detailed information on over 1,000 different occupations
- Match your interests and skills with the career that's best for you
- Search over five million up-to-the-minute local and national job postings
- Create professional resumes and cover letters
- Practice and master interviewing skills
- Get invaluable tips and advice every step of the way—from your initial search to accepting an offer
- Conveniently organize and track your job-search progress all in one place
Help / Ayuda
If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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The JSTOR archive provides access to Public Library Collections I and II, which include academic journals in the social sciences, humanities and sciences. It is an excellent resource for primary source documents dating back to the seventeenth century.
Help / Ayuda
For more information, see JSTOR Help & Support and Research Guides for JSTOR.
Check out the JSTOR tutorial from Niche Academy.
Access Now
Kanopy has thousands of movies and documentaries that you can stream on any device.
Starting November 1, 2023, Kanopy uses monthly tickets instead of play credits:
- You have 8 tickets each month
- Videos use different ticket amounts depending on running time.
- Videos have different viewing periods depending on running time.
- Each video is labeled with ticket amount, viewing period and running time.
- Tickets reset on the 1st of each month.
- Unused tickets don't roll over to the next month.
- Loading and playing 4+ seconds of a video counts as a play credit.
- Read the Get Started instructions.
Kanopy includes acclaimed movies and documentaries on-demand from award-winning filmmakers. Browse the collections of top film-festival favorites, classic films, world cinema and popular movies.
Help / Ayuda
- Kanopy Support Form
- Visit Kanopy Help
- Check our Kanopy FAQ
- Check out the Kanopy tutorial from Niche Academy.
Access Now
KidSpeak™ is a fun, age-appropriate online language course designed for children ages 6 and up. Accessible through Transparent Language Online, KidSpeak introduces your children to English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Mandarin Chinese. The program teaches words and phrases suitable for learners’ age, needs, and interests. More than 40 activities, puzzles, and songs guide young learners through the basics, along with a cartoon “friend” who speaks the language.
KidSpeak™ can be used through a web browser on computers.
Help / Ayuda
If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Language Learning Research Guide
The Language Learning Research Guide provides resources curated by expert librarians.
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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LearningExpress Library
LearningExpress Library
Academic, civil service, GED, ASVAB, U.S. citizenship, professional and certification practice tests and skill building for all ages.
LearningExpress Library features nearly 1,000 online tutorials, practice tests and eBooks to help learners of all ages. It offers job search and workplace skills improvement; skill building in reading, writing, math, and basic science; career certification and licensure exam prep; college and grad school entrance prep; and GED test prep. It can be used on mobile devices.
Get started:
- Go to LearningExpress Library. You will enter your library card number for verification.
- Click Sign In/Register button in the top menu, and create an account with your email address and password*.
- Browse Learning Centers on the home page, or use the Search box.
- Click on your name in the top menu to access "My Center," where you can track your progress and organize your tests, tutorials and eBooks.
* The LearningExpress Library account is not linked to the My APL catalog login.
Help / Ayuda
Check out the LearningExpress Library tutorial from Niche Academy.
The Video Guides can help with using LearningExpress Library.
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LearningExpress Library en Español
LearningExpress Library en Español
Esta herramienta le ofrece muchos exámenes de práctica en áreas como: Servicio Civil, GED, materias universitarias, del ejército y para certificaciones profesionales. También ofrece ejercicios de práctica para el examen de ciudadanía y otros temas que le puedan interesar.
LearningExpress Library esta herramienta le ofrece muchos exámenes de práctica en áreas como: Servicio Civil, GED, materias universitarias, del ejército y para certificaciones profesionales. También ofrece ejercicios de práctica para el examen de ciudadanía y otros temas que le puedan interesar.
Help / Ayuda
Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Legal Research Guide
The Legal Research Guide provides research tools on the following topics:
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Life Magazine Archive, 1936-2000
Life Magazine Archive, 1936-2000
Life Magazine Archive, 1936-2000 provides full-text articles and photos from Life Magazine's start in 1936 to 2000.
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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MakeMake le ofrece 500 libros electrónicos en español para niños de todas las edades. Ésta colección contiene libros interactivos donde los niños pueden leer y escuchar el texto al mismo tiempo y la interfaz es también en español para facilitar su uso. La mayoría de los títulos en MakeMake son libros escritos por escritores latinoamericanos.
Puede acceder a estos libros por medio de su navegador.
MakeMake has 500 Spanish-language eBooks for children. The collection includes picture books, read-along books and interactive books. The interface and search are also in Spanish.
These eBooks can be read in your browser.
Help / Ayuda
Vea el tutorial para comenzar.
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Mango Languages
Mango Languages
Learn over 70 world languages, take more than 20 ESL/ELL courses, and improve your proficiency with Mango Movies.
Mango Languages helps you learn over 70 world languages, offers more than 20 ESL/ELL courses, and improves your proficiency with Mango Movies.
- Sign up for an account to track your progress, or try it out as a guest.
- To use the Mango Languages app, sign up for an account in your browser first.
- To see if your language has Mango Movies, a film-based language-learning tool, click on Explore.
Help / Ayuda
- Check out the Mango Languages tutorial from Niche Academy.
- Mango Languages FAQ
- Mango Support
Access Now
Mango Languages en Español
Mango Languages le ayuda a aprender más de 70 idiomas, ofrece más de 20 cursos de inglés como segundo idioma y le ayuda a mejorar el dominio del idioma de su interés por medio de películas que puede encontrar en Mango Premiere.
- Cambie el idioma de su navegador a español.
- Inscríbase para dar seguimiento a su progreso y después ingrese en su perfil de Mango.
- Para utilizar la aplicación de Mango en dispositivos móviles, ingrese primero en su perfil de Mango en su navegador.
- Haga click en Explorar para ver si el idioma que quiere aprender tiene Mango Premiere disponible, una herramienta de aprendizaje basada en películas.
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Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Middle and Junior High Core Collection
Middle and Junior High Core Collection
Recommended fiction and nonfiction books, magazines and websites for middle and junior high school libraries.
Middle & Junior High Core Collection includes thousands of entries for works of nonfiction and fiction, plus review sources and other professional aids for librarians serving readers in grades 5 through 9.
Help / Ayuda
Core Collections Training articles and videos
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Morningstar Investing Center
Morningstar Investing Center
Independent reports on 30,000 mutual funds, stocks and ETFs for the individual investor.
The Morningstar Investment Research Center is now called Morningstar Investing Center.
Morningstar Investing Center includes research on more than 30,000 stocks, mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). It is designed specifically for individual investors.
The Library subscription only allows a limited number of concurrent users. Please sign out to allow others to access the database.
Help / Ayuda
Check out the Morningstar tutorial from Niche Academy.
Go to Investing Classroom for tutorials.
Access Now
National Directory of Nonprofit Organizations
National Directory of Nonprofit Organizations is a comprehensive guide to the growing nonprofit world designed for marketers, sales staff and nonprofit professionals. It provides contact and basic factual information on the largest nonprofit organizations in the United States.
This eBook is fully searchable and accessed through the Gale Directory Library.
Help / Ayuda
Watch these video tutorials for search tips.
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New York Times
New York Times
Access to the New York Times website and app: articles from 1851 to today, along with videos, company data and interactive features.
Access New York Times articles from 1851 to today, along with videos, company data and interactive features.
Read articles in any Library location or redeem a code for 72-hour remote and app access.
In-Library Access
- Go to The New York Times.
- Register for a new account, or use your existing login.
- Please note: In-Library Access provides coverage from 1981 to today. For articles from 1851 to today, use the Remote and App Access instructions to sign up for a 72-hour pass.
Remote and App Access:
- Sign in with library card number / password.
- Click “REDEEM”.
- Register for a new account, or use your existing login.
- Once you redeem a 72-hr pass, you can sign into the NYTimes app with your login.
- When the 72-hr pass expires, you can sign in again to continue access.
- The 72-hr pass also gives you access to The New York Times archives, from 1851 to today. Once you’re logged in, use the search function in the top left to find historic articles by topic or date range. You can also visit the TimesMachine to see PDFs of archived papers.
Please note: Access to NYT Cooking and Crossword is not included in the Library's subscription.
Help / Ayuda
If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
Search and view articles from thousands of newspapers, including the Austin American-Statesman and the Austin Monitor.
NewsBank offers the full-text of over 10,000 newspapers and online news sources from the United States and select international locations. The Austin American-Statesman Image, Austin American-Statesman (print and web-only articles) and Austin Monitor are some of the local news sources available.
Read full-page, full-color versions of hundreds of national, international and Texas newspapers with NewsBank's Image editions. Search for a specific title and select the "Image" format when available.
Some Image editions of major Texas papers:
Access international newspapers and Image editions, including The Times (London) and The Guardian.
NewsBank includes Acceda Noticias, which offers nearly 100 Spanish-language news sources in Spanish from the United States and internationally.
Help / Ayuda
- View the Niche Academy course
- Watch video tutorials for content details and search tips.
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NewsBank: Acceda Noticias
NewsBank: Acceda Noticias
Ofrece artículos de más de 100 fuentes de noticias en español de los Estados Unidos y el mundo.
Articles from Spanish-language news sources from the United States and around the globe.
Acceda Noticias ofrece artículos de más de 100 fuentes de noticias en español de los Estados Unidos y el mundo.
NewsBank es una base de datos que compila artículos de más de 2000 periódicos, incluyendo Austin American-Statesman y el Houston Chronicle.
Las fuentes que se incluyen en estas bases de datos son periódicos en línea, blogs, revistas y videos. También puede hacer búsquedas por temas como política, negocios o salud y comparar los diferentes puntos de vista con la noticia que se ofreció al público.
Acceda Noticias offers articles from nearly 100 Spanish-language news sources from the United States and around the globe.
Sources include printed and online newspapers, blogs, journals, newswires, broadcast transcripts and videos.
Help / Ayuda
Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Newsweek Archive, 1933-2012
Newsweek Archive, 1933-2012
Newsweek Archive, 1933-2012 provides full-text articles from Newsweek's start in 1933 to its final print issue in 2012.
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Niche Academy
Niche Academy provides brief tutorials for many Digital resources.
Help / Ayuda
If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Nonfiction Core Collection
Nonfiction Core Collection is a guide to recommended nonfiction titles for adults. Entries are continuously updated and provide complete bibliographic data, price, subject headings, a descriptive annotation and evaluative quotations from a review when available, plus information on electronic editions of works.
Help / Ayuda
Core Collections Training articles and videos
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NoveList Plus
NoveList Plus
Provides read-alikes and recommendations for fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels and audiobooks for all ages and genres
NoveList Plus provides read-alikes and recommendations for fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels and audiobooks for all ages and genres.
Help / Ayuda
Check out the NoveList tutorial from Niche Academy.
Watch this tutorial for tips, and visit the NoveList YouTube channel for training tutorials.
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Oakwood Cemetery Database
The Oakwood Cemetery Database is a listing of burials in Austin's oldest cemetery, Oakwood, located at 1601 Navasota St. The names included in this database were extracted from centuries old ledgers preserved in the archives at the Austin History Center. The data reflects the verbatim transcription of these records dating from 1866 through 1919, with additional years being added periodically.
For more information, visit the Austin History Center's Reference Services page.
Help / Ayuda
If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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OverDrive / Libby
OverDrive / Libby provides eBooks, audiobooks and magazines. Libby Extras has streaming video channels.
- Download Libby for iOS, Android and Kindle Fire.
- Sign in using your Library Card number and Library password.
- Visit Getting Started for device-specific information.
Checkouts & Holds:
- Check out 10 items at time and have 7 holds
- Audiobooks and eBooks: select a check-out period of 7, 14 or 21 days
- Magazines: check out for 21 days. They don't count towards your 10-item checkout limit. Always available, no holds, no limits!
- You have 72 hours to check out a hold once you are notified that it's available
- Extras on Libby:
Find these in Libby under "Extras" for a 7-day pass. They don't count against your OverDrive checkout limits.
You will need to create separate accounts for each channel and can stream on almost any device.
Kanopy: thousands of movies and documentaries to stream on any device. Use your Kanopy login to access on the Kanopy app or browser.
Lucky Day collection: Skip the line for high-demand titles with a 7-day checkout, no holds or renewals. You can borrow 1 Lucky Day title at a time, and it counts against your 10-item checkout limit. If you have a hold on a Lucky Day title, borrowing from Lucky Day won't cancel your hold. See how these titles display in the Libby app.
Help / Ayuda
- OverDrive Help - Search for frequently asked questions by device or format
- OverDrive Support - email tech support specialists 24/7
- Libby Help - one-tap app for eBooks, audiobooks and magazines
- OverDrive / Libby FAQ - search the FAQ or get help from Austin Public Library Adult Services librarians
- OverDrive / Libby tutorial - quick intro from Niche Academy
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OverDrive / Libby en Español
OverDrive / Libby en Español
OverDrive / Libby ofrece libros electrónicos, en audio, revistas y videos streaming.
OverDrive / Libby ofrece libros electrónicos, en audio, revistas y videos streaming.
Préstamos y reservas:
- Lleve tener prestados 10 títulos a la vez y tener 7 títulos en reserva
- Libros en audio y electrónicos: seleccione un período de tiempo de 7, 14, ó 21 días.
- Revistas: puede tenerlas prestadas por 21 días. No se cuentan como parte de los 10 materiales que puede llevar prestados. Siempre disponibles, no reservas o límites.
- Tiene 72 horas para recoger un título que tenga en reserva una vez que se le notifique que está disponible.
Help / Ayuda
Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
Da click aquí
Oxford English Dictionary (OED)
Oxford English Dictionary (OED)
Search the meaning, history and pronunciation of over half a million words
The Oxford English Dictionary is the accepted authority on the evolution of the English language over the last millennium. It is a guide to the meaning, history and pronunciation of over half a million words, both present and past. It traces the usage of words through 2.5 million quotations from a wide range of international English language sources. The OED covers words from across the English-speaking world. It also offers etymological analysis and listings of variant spellings.
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View a short video [3:19]
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Oxford Reference
Oxford Reference provides dozens of reference books in a single cross-searchable database. Subjects include language, science, medicine, humanities, social sciences, business and general reference. See a complete list of works included in the database.
Help / Ayuda
Watch this video tutorial for search tips.
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ProQuest African American Heritage
ProQuest African American Heritage provides African American family history research, including the 1860 U.S. Federal Census.
Help / Ayuda
Check out the ProQuest African American Heritage tutorial from Niche Academy.
See the ProQuest African American Heritage LibGuide for search tips.
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ProQuest Historical Newspapers: El Paso Herald/El Paso Times
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: El Paso Herald/El Paso Times
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: El Paso Herald/El Paso Times provides full-text articles from the El Paso Times (1881-2009) and El Paso Herald Post (1896-1996).
Help / Ayuda
If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Publishers Directory
Publishers Directory provides librarians, booksellers and other information seekers with the most comprehensive and detailed coverage of U.S. and Canadian publishing operations. The listings for publishers and distributors of books, classroom materials, prints, reports and databases include contact information and descriptions of their operations.
This eBook is fully searchable and accessed through the Gale Directory Library.
Help / Ayuda
Watch these video tutorials for search tips.
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SciTech Premium Collection
The SciTech Premium Collection provides science and technology articles from scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings and government publications from around the world.
Help / Ayuda
Find search tips and more on About SciTech Premium Collection.
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Senior High Core Collection
Senior High Core Collection
Recommended fiction and nonfiction books for teens in grades 9 through 12
Senior High Core Collection includes thousands of entries for works of nonfiction and fiction, plus review sources and other professional aids for librarians serving readers in grades 9 through 12.
Help / Ayuda
Core Collections Training articles and videos
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SizeUpAustin is an easy-to-use platform that allows you to receive data to help your small business make better decisions around competitive benchmarking, customers, suppliers, even marketing and advertising.
This tool is provided by the City of Austin Small Business Division. It does not require an Austin Public Library card and only includes Austin metro data.
Help / Ayuda
For additional resources, the City of Austin Small Business Division provides business training, educational events, and coaching to empower entrepreneurs.
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SkillMill by Interplay Learning
SkillMill by Interplay Learning
SkillMill by Interplay Learning offers skilled trades training courses online on HVAC, solar, plumbing, electrical and more. Develop job skills at your own pace through expert-led video lessons and digital training simulations. With SkillMill, you can:
- Explore careers in the skilled trades.
- Gain continuing education units and prepare for certification exams like EPA 608, OSHA 10, NATE and more.
- Learn how to complete home repair projects.
Accessing SkillMill
An email address is required to use this resource. (Need an email address?) Click Register now above to complete the registration form. You will receive an activation email from 3-5 business days after registration.
Please note the registration form will not be available if all licenses are in use.
Tech requirements
- For the best experience,download the desktop app to your Windows computer or iPad.
- You can access SkillMill in-browser (Chrome or Firefox recommended) on most devices.
- Video courses are playable on all devices.
Don’t have a computer or internet access at home? Cardholders can check out Chromebooks and >WiFi hotspots to take home. (Need a Library Card?)
Help / Ayuda
- Need help getting started? Take a welcome assessment to get course recommendations: Skills Assessments.
- SkillMill Tutorial: Click through an interactive tour of the user dashboard, course catalog, a simulation example and more.
- For technical issues within the SkillMill platform, click Report a Problem at the bottom of the page or email
- For Library questions, Ask a Librarian or give us a call at 512-974-7400, option 1.
Access Now
SkillMill de Interplay Learning
SkillMill de Interplay Learning
SkillMill ofrece cursos en línea sobre HVAC, energía solar, plomería, electricidad y más. Desarrolle sus habilidades laborales a su propio ritmo a través de lecciones en video y simulaciones dirigidas por expertos. Con SkillMill, puede:
- Explorar los diferentes oficios disponibles.
- Obtener unidades de educación contínua (CEU) y prepararse para exámenes de certificación como los EPA 608, OSHA 10, NATE y más.
- Aprender a hacer reparaciones en el hogar.
Acceso a SkillMill
Se requiere una dirección de correo electrónico para usar este recurso. ( ¿Necesita una dirección de correo electrónico? ) Haga clic en "Access Now" arriba para completar el formulario de registro. Le enviáramos por correo electrónico la información de inicio de sesión y las instrucciones de acceso dentro de 3 a 5 días. Tendrá 60 días para acceder a contenido ilimitado a partir de la fecha de activación de su cuenta.
Tenga en cuenta que el formulario de registro no estará disponible si todas las licencias están en uso por otros usuarios.
Requisitos tecnológicos
- Para la mejor experiencia, descargue la aplicación Interplay Skilled Trades en su computadora con Windows o iPad.
- Puede acceder a SkillMill en el navegador (se recomienda Chrome o Firefox) en la mayoría de los dispositivos.
- Los cursos de video se pueden reproducir en todos los dispositivos.
- Las simulaciones solo están disponibles en tabletas, computadoras y auriculares VR.
¿No tiene una computadora o acceso a internet en casa? Puede pedir prestado un Chromebook y puntos de acceso WiFi para llevar a casa con una tarjeta de la biblioteca. ( ¿Necesita una tarjeta de la biblioteca? )
- ¿Necesita ayuda para comenzar? Realice un recorrido virtual: SkillMill: recorrido virtual .
Help / Ayuda
- Tutorial de aprendizaje de SkillMill: haga clic en un recorrido interactivo por el panel del usuario, el catálogo de cursos, un ejemplo de simulación y más.
- Para problemas técnicos dentro de la SkillMill, haga clic en Informar un problema en la parte inferior de la página o envíe un mensaje email a
- Si tiene preguntas sobre la biblioteca, pregunte al bibliotecario o llámenos al 512-974-7400, opción 1.
Da click aquí
Library access only
Up-to-date information about Texas business organizations from the Texas Secretary of State
Library access only: A Library staff member must log customers into the site on a Library PC.
SOSDirect provides up-to-date access to information about Texas business organizations maintained by the Office of the Secretary of State. Name availability, assumed name, federal employer identification number (FEIN) and taxpayer identification number (TID) are among the search options. Both active and dead corporations are included in the database. Access to UCC and trademarks searching is also available. No fees are charged when using this database in the Library.
Help / Ayuda
If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Spanish Reference Center
Spanish Reference Center
Search two Spanish-language encyclopedias: one for ages 6-12 and one for high school to adult
Spanish Reference Center offers resources in Spanish for all ages in two unique interfaces, each with its own comprehensive encyclopedia: Enciclopedia Moderna for high school ages and up and Britannica Escolar Online for ages 6-12. Take the Guided Tour.
Centro de Referencia le ofrece recursos de referencia en español en dos interfaces exclusivas — cada una con una enciclopedia adaptada al lector: Enciclopedia Moderna para adultos y estudiantes y Britannica Escolar Online para estudiantes de 6 a 12 años de edad.
Help / Ayuda
If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Starting a Local Business Research Guide
Starting a Local Business Research Guide
Provides resources curated by expert librarians.
The Starting a Local Business Research Guide provides resources curated by expert librarians.
Help / Ayuda
If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Statista provides statistics and reports for business, nonprofits and general research.
Statista includes:
- More than one million statistics on over 80,000 topics across 170 industries
- 22,500 sources
- 7,000+ topic dossiers
- 41,000+ studies
- 330+ industry reports
- Infographics
- Market forecasts and business evaluation tools
Help / Ayuda
Visit the Webinar Hub for live and recorded training.
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TeachingBooks for Libraries
TeachingBooks for Libraries
Multimedia content to complement children's and young adult books
Book Connections is now TeachingBooks for Libraries.
TeachingBooks for Libraries provides multimedia content to complement children's and young adult books. Resources include audiobook readings, author videos, book discussion guides and lesson plans for over 40,000 books in English and Spanish.
Access is available to anyone in Texas.
TeachingBooks for Libraries has similar content to, and is geared towards public libraries.
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Multimedia content to complement children's and young adult books for K-12 students and educators provides multimedia content to complement children's and young adult books for K-12 students and educators. Resources include audiobook readings, author videos, book discussion guides and lesson plans for over 40,000 books in English and Spanish.
For a similar resource geared towards public libraries, check out TeachingBooks for Libraries.
Help / Ayuda
- View the Niche Academy tutorial.
- Watch these video tutorials for more information.
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Texas Digital Sanborn Maps
Texas Digital Sanborn Maps
Detailed property and land-use records of Texas towns and cities from 1867 to 1970
Texas Digital Sanborn Maps provide detailed property and land-use records of Texas towns and cities from 1867 to 1970. Details on buildings include outline, size and shape, construction materials, height, use, windows and doors, street and sidewalk widths, boundaries and house numbers.
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See the About Digital Sanborn Maps for tips on browsing the collection and viewing the maps.
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Texas Driving Permit Practice Tests
Texas Driving Permit Practice Tests from provides free driver's permit practice tests. Tests and handbooks include permit, motorcycle and CDL licenses.
Handbooks are available in Spanish. Click on the handbook's link, then select "Spanish" from the menu.
A library card is not required to use this site.
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Texas Legal Forms
Texas Legal Forms
Legal forms specific to Texas include official, state-specific litigation, business, personal, real estate and general forms
Texas Legal Forms offers thousands of customizable online legal forms specific to Texas.
Users should consult an attorney for serious legal matters.
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Watch these video tutorials for search tips.
For additional resources, the City of Austin Small Business Division provides business training, educational events, and coaching to empower entrepreneurs.
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Texas State Directory
Texas State Directory
Library access only.
Information about state, county and city officials and staff in Texas.
Texas State Directory has information about state, county and city officials and staff in Texas.
A Library staff member must log customers into the site. When finished, please log out to allow other users to access to the site.
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Texas Venture Capital and Private Equity Directory
Texas Venture Capital and Private Equity Directory
Provides investment firm profiles and financing information
Texas Venture Capital and Private Equity Directory provides investment firm profiles updated in real-time. This directory serves local entrepreneurs looking to raise capital, investors who wish to network with other investors and service providers who need a directory of investment firms.
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For additional resources, the City of Austin Small Business Division provides business training, educational events, and coaching to empower entrepreneurs.
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Time Magazine Archive, 1923-2000
Time Magazine Archive, 1923-2000
Time Magazine Archive, 1923-2000 provides full-text articles from Time Magazine's start in 1923 to 2000.
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Transparent Language
Transparent Language
Transparent Language Online provides courses in over 110 world languages, American Sign Language, English for speakers of over 30 languages, and KidSpeak courses for children. The instruction is for learners of all levels looking to build their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in a foreign language.
- Sign up for an account to track your progress, or try it out as a guest.
- To use the Transparent Language Online app, sign up for an account in your browser first.
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View the Niche Academy tutorial
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Transparent Language en Español
Transparent Language en Español
Transparent Language Online ofrece cursos en más de 110 idiomas, incluyendo Lenguaje de Señas de los Estados Unidos, inglés para hablantes de más de 30 idiomas y cursos KidSpeak para niños. La instrucción está diseñada para estudiantes de todos los niveles que buscan desarrollar sus habilidades de escucha, habla, lectura y escritura en un idioma extranjero.
Puede acceder a estos cursos en tu computadora o teléfono usando el navegador o la aplicación de Transparent Language. Si desea utilizar aplicación en su teléfono debe registrarse primero usando el navegador.
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Twentieth Century American and English Poetry Collections
Twentieth Century American and English Poetry Collections
Collections of 20th century poems
Twentieth Century American Poetry is a collection of poetry written by the most important and influential American poets of the 20th century. It includes 50,000 poems drawn from 750 volumes by over 300 poets.
Twentieth Century English Poetry contains the poetry of over 200 poets from 1900 to the present day. It includes poetry in English by poets from outside the British Isles, as well as significant translations of non-English poetry.
Consult the Information Centre for search tips.
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.
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Value Line
Value Line
Coverage of 1,700 stocks in The Value Line Investment Survey Plus and 1,800 in the The Small and Mid-Cap edition.
Value Line provides investment research on companies, industries, markets and economies. The Library's subscription includes coverage of 1,700 stocks in The Value Line Investment Survey Plus and 1,800 in the The Small and Mid-Cap edition. Value Line is compatible with iPads and Android tablets, but not with mobile phones.
Help / Ayuda
Check out the Value Line tutorial from Niche Academy.
To get started, watch a short video overview and read these user guides.
For in-depth training, watch the Value Line Webinar Series.
If you're having problems with the site, please Ask a Librarian.
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Weiss Financial Ratings Series
Weiss Financial Ratings Series
Ratings for stocks, mutual funds, banks, credit unions and insurance companies. Financial literacy and planning tools.
Weiss Financial Ratings Series includes important financial literacy tools from Weiss Ratings and Grey House Publishing.
With Weiss Financial Ratings, you can:
- Check the values and ratings of stocks, mutual funds and exchange traded funds
- Check ratings of banks, credit unions and insurance companies
- Compare Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans
- Download financial literacy & planning eBooks (PDF files to keep forever)
More features:
- Independent, unbiased financial strength ratings of banks, credit unions & insurance companies
- Conservative buy-hold-sell ratings of thousands of stocks, mutual funds & exchange traded funds
- Create your own personal account to create a watchlist, get upgrade/downgrade notifications and log in from anywhere
- Medicare Supplement Insurance - which plan to choose, how much it will cost, compare rates & plan benefits
Help / Ayuda
Check out the Weiss Financial Ratings tutorial from Niche Academy.
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The WorldCat subscription expired on August 30, 2024. Please visit for titles in libraries worldwide.
All the items cataloged by member libraries worldwide
The WorldCat subscription expired on August 30, 2024. Please visit for titles in libraries worldwide.
WorldCat, the OCLC catalog of books, web resources and other materials, contains all the records cataloged by member libraries worldwide. It offers millions of bibliographic records in English and 400 other languages.
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If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian / Si necesita ayuda sobre esta base de datos dé click en la siguiente liga: Ask a Librarian.