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Dog reading

Barking Book Buddies: Read to Hank!

Hank is a trained therapy dog from Divine Canines waiting for kids to read to him! 

Certified volunteer teams with trained therapy dogs will be waiting for kids to read stories to them. This program improves children’s reading and communication skills by employing a powerful method: reading to a dog. Open to children of all reading levels.

Voluntarios estarán esperando a todos aquellos niños y niñas que quieran venir a leerles a perros entrenados. Se ha comprobado que este poderoso método ayuda a que los niños mejoren su capacidad de comunicarse con otras personas y también a que eleven su nivel de lectura.

Recommended for ages 5 and up
Tuesday, February 4 - 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM
John Gillum Branch (North Village)
2505 Steck Ave.
Free and open to the public | Gratis y abierto al público
For accessibility accommodations: 512-974-7400