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Care and Use of Facilities link

  • Please leave meeting rooms as they are found. If the furniture is rearranged, it should be returned to the original arrangement at the end of the meeting.
  • The Library cannot provide AV or other equipment.
  • Furniture and/or equipment from the main area of the Library may not be brought into meeting rooms.
  • Personal furniture or equipment may be provided by a group with prior approval. Arrangements for the use of any personal furniture or equipment should be made at scheduling time. In order to ensure easy removal of equipment after the meeting, the appropriate staff member (either Library Security or the Branch Librarian) should be notified when the equipment is brought into the building.
  • Equipment, supplies, or personal effects cannot be stored or left in Library meeting rooms before or after use.
  • Keep all exits unlocked at all times. Open aisles must be maintained within the seating arrangement to provide clear access to exits.
  • Public entrances are to be used for all access to and from the building, including all deliveries.
  • Any announcements or notices to publicize an activity should not be posted or distributed on library premises without prior approval from the librarian in charge.
  • Attendance at meetings will be limited to the capacity of the individual meeting rooms as listed at the end of this policy. Seating and/or supplementary furniture are not allowed in corridors outside the meeting rooms.
  • Food and drink may be consumed in the meeting rooms as long as the food or drinks are individually packaged such as packaged snacks, individual containers of soda, pieces of fruit, box lunches, etc. Food items that are not individually packaged such as a sandwich tray, cookie tray, pizza, etc. must be served by an individual who has completed an accredited food handler training program. Contact the City of Austin Health Department by calling 3-1-1 for further information. Kitchen facilities or equipment will not be provided by the Library. (Minimal kitchen facilities are available at the Carver Branch and the Austin History Center with permission from the librarian in charge.)
  • All trash resulting from the serving of refreshments must be removed by the organization.
  • The individual making the reservation, as well as the group as a whole, will be held responsible for any and all damages that may occur as a result of the use of the facilities.