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Gale Business: DemographicsNow

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The Gale Business: DemographicsNow subscription will expire on January 15, 2024. 

Please visit Statista and AtoZdatabases for market research and business information.

Gale Business: DemographicsNow provides demographics data, market research and directory information on 24 million businesses and 206 million residents.

  • People: From individuals to large lists, data can be compiled from over 135 million U.S. households—organized by name, address, telephone number, or a variety of U.S. census neighborhood data averages.
  • Companies: Includes individual business profiles from 24 million businesses, refined by company name, executive title, business type, number of employees and credit rating.
  • Demographics: Information includes income, housing, race, age, education, retail spending, consumer expenditures, and businesses by state, county, zip code, and congressional district. The Demographics tab leverages Census data, consumer expenditures, retail spending, and Mosaic Lifestyle market segmentation groupings to help you "crunch" data in easy-to-use report formats. It provides complete demographic information for any geographic territory, from a summary report to a comparison of up to sixteen different geographies within a single report.
  • Maps: Powerful, user-friendly Google mapping technology lets you customize maps in a variety of views, and add thematic layers to the map based on demographic variable.
  • Reports lets you create a variety of compiled reports to help make informed and accurate decisions. You can gain consumer and market insight for opening a business, find an untapped audience for products or services, or analyze the shifts and needs of a given population.

Help / Ayuda
  1. Watch these video tutorials for quick tips.
  2. Check out this tutorial from Niche Academy.
  3. Watch this 35-minute webinar for more training.
  4. For additional resources, the City of Austin Small Business Division provides business training, educational events, and coaching to empower entrepreneurs.

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