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Lung Family

Joe Lung came from China to find work and settled in Austin in 1906 and opened Joe Lung Cafe on 204 Congress. One of his sons, Sam Lung, is pictured here with two of his children, Joe Michael and Sandra in front of a livestock display, a customary practice for restaurants to attract customers back then. Joe Lung Caf�
Joe Lung Cafe, Ca. 1945, PICB 21512
AF-BIOGRAPHY- Lung, Joe & Family
Sam Lung and Family
Sam Lung and his family, Ca. 1950, PICB 21514
AF-BIOGRAPHY- Lung, Joe & Family
Sam and Lorene Lung had three children, Sandra, Joe Michael, and Meiling. They were one of the few Asian American families living in Austin at the time. Sam Lung ran Lung's Chinese Kitchen, the beloved restaurant where many Austinites ate Chinese food for the first time.
As a child, Joe Lung, Jr. loved riding horses and fishing on the Colorado River. As a teenager, he worked for Travis LaRue (Austin Mayor '69-'71) at Travis Laundry for eight years. He carried on the family legacy and eventually ran the popular restaurant, Lung's Chinese Kitchen on 1128 Red River until 1974. Joe Lung, Jr. on a Horse
Joe Lung, Jr. on a Horse, Ca. 1950, PICB 21513
AF-BIOGRAPHY- Lung, Joe & Family
Sam Lung with Kite Frame
Sam Lung with Kite Frame
April 9, 1974, AR.Z.025 (PARD-74-106-10)
Austin (Tex.) Parks and Recreation Department Records
Sam Lung enjoyed making Chinese kites and entered them in kite tournaments co-sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) and the Exchange Club of Austin. He donated a collection of these hand-carved bamboo kite frames to PARD so that children

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